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Give Online

We here at VCS are so blessed and grateful to be able to continue our efforts in education through the gifts and donations of our families, alumni, and local business partners. Without your generosity, we would not be able to do what we do to impact and influence the lives of our students.


We are continually grateful for the variety of ways VCS receives support, whether you give your time as a volunteer, or make financial contributions to our programs, your commitments sustain us, and preserve the extraordinary learning environments that allow our students to thrive.


Thank you and GO LIONS!


CLICK HERE to donate to the Scholarship Fund


CLICK HERE to donate to our General Fund.


CLICK HERE to donate to our Capital Campaign.

Mr. Wilson's Ride Across Florida Fundraiser - March 28 - 31  -  230 MILES!   All proceeds go to the Venice Christian School building fund - Click the image to donate!
Bike Ride Across Florida 2025-03-24.png
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